Programs: WPMG iHuman Experience

Kaplan’s iHuman is a virtual simulation of a clinical setting, experienced by real-life physicians where they interact and provide health services to patients with their own unique medical case. In this virtual simulation, the physician will demonstrate their practices with a virtual patient, where they will guide participants on how to conduct and perform the same task. This provides students with a great opportunity to gain exposure to real-life medical cases and to build clinical skills.

In collaboration with Fort Lewis College (Colorado) and the BIPOC Health Careers Ecosystem, HCCP developed iHuman to provide a medical-school level introduction to clinical decision making through simulating the evaluation of a virtual patient. This is a learning process; therefore, students are not expected to know how to correctly diagnose a patient beforehand. Students work first in small groups, then present their evaluations, step-by-step to a clinician discussant from WPMG, who provides expert guidance on how they would evaluate an actual patient.

WPMG’s iHuman Experience was piloted in two phases during the summer of 2021. It was launched by Darrian Smiley (Navajo/Dine), working through the generosity of a Fort Lewis College summer internship. Phase I included 20 students working over 5 weeks. Phase II was continued by Strategy Consultants Eldana Bedru and Yennifer Celis, and included 12 of the original 20 students, working over 5 weeks.

This program is appropriate for students heading into advanced nursing, dentistry, medicine, naturopathy, and other clinical fields, but are ready for the greater commitment and demands required to start learning actual clinical evaluation skills. iHuman is offered free to a limited number of qualified students, as clinician capacity allows.

To join a wait-list to apply for iHuman, please go to the Apply page.